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In the small, fluorescent-lit office of a nondescript marketing firm, an unsettling atmosphere had begun to permeate. The once bustling and vibrant workspace, filled with the hum of keyboard strokes and the soft murmur of conversations, had transformed into a place of unease and whispered fears. The cause of this shift was a new hire, a man named Sam Hyde.

From the moment Sam stepped through the doors, there was something off about him. His presence was like a dark cloud looming over the office. Tall and gaunt, with piercing eyes that seemed to see through every facade, Sam carried an aura of quiet menace. He spoke little, but when he did, his words were sharp and calculating, leaving those around him feeling exposed and vulnerable.

At first, Sam's arrival was met with the usual pleasantries. The team welcomed him with friendly smiles and polite conversations, but it didn't take long for the cracks to begin showing. It started with small things—misplaced documents, unexplained technical glitches, and strange noises echoing through the empty hallways. The office printer would spew out pages of cryptic messages in the dead of night, and computers would flicker to life, displaying unsettling images before abruptly shutting down.

One by one, employees began to feel the weight of Sam's presence. He seemed to know things about everyone—deep, personal secrets that no one had ever shared. He would drop hints in casual conversations, leaving his colleagues paranoid and fearful. Jessica, a junior marketing executive, found a note on her desk one morning. It was a simple message, but it chilled her to the bone: "I know what you did last summer."

The tension in the office grew palpable. People started avoiding Sam, their laughter and camaraderie dwindling into hushed whispers and furtive glances. But Sam thrived in the shadows, manipulating the fear he sowed. He would appear suddenly behind people, his silent presence like a ghostly apparition, causing their hearts to race and their skin to crawl.

It was during one of these encounters that Jessica decided she couldn't take it anymore. She had to confront him. Gathering her courage, she waited until most of the office had left for the day. The dim glow of the emergency lights cast eerie shadows across the cubicles as she approached Sam's desk.

"Sam, we need to talk," she said, her voice trembling despite her efforts to sound assertive.

Sam looked up from his computer, his eyes reflecting a sinister amusement. "Of course, Jessica. What about?"

"I know what you're doing," she said, her voice gaining strength. "You're trying to scare us, to manipulate us. But why? What do you want?"

Sam leaned back in his chair, a cold smile spreading across his face. "What I want, Jessica, is to teach you all a lesson. Fear is a powerful tool, and you've all grown too comfortable, too complacent. Sometimes, a little fear is necessary to remind people of their place."

Jessica felt a chill run down her spine. "You're sick," she spat. "You can't just terrorize people for your own amusement."

Sam's smile widened. "Oh, but I can. And I will. You see, everyone has their breaking point, and it's fascinating to see how far I can push each of you. Consider it... an experiment."

Jessica backed away, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew she had to warn the others, but as she turned to leave, Sam's voice stopped her cold.

"Be careful, Jessica. You wouldn't want to end up like the others."

She froze, fear gripping her. "What do you mean?"

Sam's eyes gleamed with malevolence. "Let's just say, not everyone who leaves this office makes it home."

Jessica fled the office, her mind racing with terror and confusion. She had to get out, to escape the sinister grip of Sam Hyde. But as she reached the exit, she realized with a sinking dread that the doors were locked.

The office was a maze of shadows and fear, and Sam Hyde was its master. And in that moment, Jessica understood the horrifying truth—there was no escape from the nightmare he had created.

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Heh. Heeh eh

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holy friggin crap chris, u made this banger?


Tyhond responds:

Thank you! :D


Recent Art Reviews

15 Art Reviews

Really enjoyed the recipe for landmine flavored venison jerky on page 16, the wife says it’s unethical but I say it’s delectable!


Fucking amazing

ooga booga

Jay @amdvsias


Graphic Designer

Savannah, GA

Joined on 9/14/24

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